Saturday, February 29, 2020

A Crude Awakening to a Ceaseless Dependency in Oil

Crude Oil: It penetrates investor's mind and is increasingly contributing to their fatal dependence. Crude oil: Although it is low cost, it costs money in terms of war, loss of life, and social, social and economic confusion. Crude Oil: We are trying to own Black Gold. What was the beginning of a new traditional product is now a support system for all people. It creates a fantasy that completely changes life, a life without work, a free life, which is the spirit of anesthesia, a vague vision, a source of corruption. Quality in the sea One barrel of crude oil is a hard asset. Even if you are not in the oil industry, you can exchange the oil barrel in the market and exchange goods. However, the value of crude oil is not essential. Hundreds of years ago, before the invention of an engine that could use oil as a fuel, the value of crude oil was zero. One day, if the solar energy becomes cheap enough, the value of crude oil may approach zero again. At the same time, fluctuations in crude oil prices are influenced by current supply-demand situation and prediction of future supply-demand situation. Crude oil, commonly referred to as petroleum, is a liquid on the earth, composed of hydrocarbons, organic compounds, and small amounts of metal. Hydrocarbon is usually the main component of crude oil, its composition varies depending on the type of crude oil and extraction method, but it varies between 50% and 97%. Organic compounds such as nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur normally make up 6% to 10% of the crude oil and metals such as copper, nickel, vanadium and iron account for less than 1% of the total composition. Crude oil is the most common petroleum product in spilled oil. Crude oil is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons and small amounts of sulfur, oxygen, nitrogen, and minor amounts of inorganic and organometallic compounds. There are three kinds of hydrocarbons, alkane, alkene, and aromatic. Low concentrations of alkanes can cause anesthesia and anesthesia as well as hi gh concentrations of cell damage and death in marine invertebrates. Olefins are usually not included in crude oil, but are included in refined products such as gasoline. Gasoline is more toxic than alkane, but it is less toxic than aromatic. Aromatic hydrocarbons are not common in nature, but they kill marine organisms not only at maximum intensity but also at dilute concentrations. Aromatic hydrocarbons are the most direct toxic component in oils (Boesch, Hershmer et al., 1974).

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Ethics Case Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ethics Case Analysis - Essay Example Question 2. The physician also should never have spoken to Annie about the seriousness of her illness. This is because withholding the truth about the seriousness of Annie’s condition by the physician did more good to Annie and her family, more than revealing the whole truth to her. This is because, had Ann known that she was about to die, she would become distressed and make her family also distressed. The main ethical dilemma in this case is to make the choice of either or not to reveal to Annie the seriousness of her illness. Revealing the truth to Annie would have meant that the physicians and the Annie’s husband have acted in the honest way by telling Annie the truth; the main disadvantage of telling Annie the truth, however, was that Annie would become emotionally and psychologically disturbed, thus becoming distressed and making her family also distressed. Withholding the truth, on the other hand, would have meant that the physicians and Annie’s husband have acted in the best interests of Annie and her family because Annie would remain hopeful throughout the short period remaining in her life; withholding the truth from Annie, however, would mean that the physicians and Annie’s husband lied to Annie, thus acting in a dishonest way towards Annie. Making a choice between these two options is a real dilemma because each of the options has both positive and negative consequences. The main reason why I am of the view that the Physicians should never have revealed the truth to Annie about the seriousness of her illness is that the physicians are not under any obligation to reveal the whole truth to their patients. This view is supported by Sokol when he argues that, physicians have no moral obligation to tell their patients the whole truth about their condition (2002). For that reason, therefore, the physician acted in the morally right way by not disclosing to Annie about the seriousness of her illness. Secondly,

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Compare and Contract Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Compare and Contract - Essay Example The methodology is an evolutional process is which the findings change and evolve throughout the study. In contrast using a quantitative research approach starts with a specific research objective and through the process of gathering statistical data confirms the initial objectives of the study. In quantitative research collection of statistical data is used to investigate and answer research questions (Christensen, et al, 2011, p. 29). Researchers using a quantitative research approach will interpret and format numerical data systematically to produce evidence to support the research objective(s). In using the template for analyzing research both the Zoo Research Study and the Event Path Research for Professionals were similar in that each contained the majority of the items suggested allowing for a thorough examination. The problems and/or objective of the study (ies) were identified and verifiable citations were presented throughout the reports. The studies identified the specific populations targeted, the data collecting methods used; the studies presented the hypothesis, findings, limitations, and suggestions for future research studies to broaden the knowledge base on the subjects studied. Even though the populations of the individual studies were different with the Zoo Study focused primarily on children in grades K-12, and the Event Path Research examined adults, both studies sought to understand cognition, how to increase critical thinking, and enhancing problem solving skills. In contrast the research methodologies and approaches were different. The study involving the impact of field trips to aquariums, zoos, and nature parks on children used a â€Å"mixed† research design in which qualitative and quantitative methods were combined. The use of interviews and observations along with statistical data helped researcher form conclusions and base